When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 492

Chapter 492


Chapter 492 


“Let’s go inside, Master Elliot!”Mrs.Cooper walked up to Elliot after waiting for a moment.


She did not know what he talked about with Avery, but what she could confirm was that he never wanted Avery to suffer.


After all, she was now pregnant with his own flesh and blood.


Zoe went too far tonight, but it was understandable.


If she had not suffered a miscarriage, her baby would have been born by now.


Elliot clenched his fists tightly and walked into the living room.


Zoe was sipping a cup of tea on the couch.She placed her cup down when she saw him walk in.


“Elliot, I gave Shea a sedative.She hasn’t slept for twenty four hours, so she will need a nice, long rest,” she said as she looked at Elliot.


“She’ll need to go to the hospital for a cranial checkup tomorrow.” Elliot responded curtly.


“I hear you passed out today.Are you alright?” Zoe asked with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“You have to prioritize your health no matter what.Not only for yourself, but for Shea’s sake, too.She hasn’t completely recovered yet.She might need a third surgery.” Elliot glanced at her BCm)[rMJ said, “You can leave now!” “Alright.Shea’s asleep.You should get some rest, too.” Zoe stood up, walked past him, then calmly left the house.Once Zoe was gone, Elliot walked toward Shea’s room. Seeing him approach, Mrs.Scarlet quickly said, “Shea just fell asleep, Master Elliot.” “Go get some rest.Thank you for your hard work,” Elliot said. “This is nothing as long as Shea recovers quickly,” Mrs.Scarlet said, then added, “You need to take care o f yourself, too.l heard that Miss Tate is pregnant with your child.That’s amazing news.Your mother would b e ecstatic if she were still alive.” Elliot felt a lump in his throat as gloom flashed across his eyes. fter Mrs.Scarlet left, he sat down by the bed and watched Shea with gentle eyes. They were biological siblings, but they looked nothing alike. Shea took after their father, while Elliot took after their mother.

Humans are complicated creatures.


Elliot despised his father more than anything, but although Shea resembled him, she never reminded him of their father at all.


Both his parents were gone, and he never really got along with his brother Henry due to their huge age gap.


In his heart, Shea was his closest family.He did not want to lose her.


When Shea woke up the next morning, she sat up in bed and saw her brother sleeping by the edge of the bed.


She reached out and patted Elliot on the shoulder.


“Why are you sleeping here, Big Brother?” Elliot woke up, then lifted his hands and massaged his aching temples.


“How are you feeling, Shea?”Shea blinked and said, “I feel good! I’m just…Really hungry!”

Elliot was relieved. “I’ll get someone to send some breakfast up.I’ll take you to the hospital for a checkup after breakfast.” Shea stayed silent for a few seconds as she recalled the events of the day before. “Don’t worry, Shea.You’ll get better soon.” “Okay.” A fter breakfast, Elliot took Shea to the hospital for her checkup.The CT scan of her brain was surprisingly normal. The doctor took a look at the scan, then said, “Shea should stay away from anything that may trigger any stress from now

on Maintaining the current condition is already a huge improvement.” The knot in Elliot’s heart finally unraveled. s they walked out of the hospital, Elliot’s phone rang. It was Zoe.He helped Shea into her seat, then stood outside the car and answered the phone.

“Elliot…Are you saying you want to stop Shea’s treatment? Or perhaps…Have you found a better doctor?” she asked with a slight tremor in her voice. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Elliot to make such a decision. Could it be that he found out that she was not the one who operated on Shea the first two times? However, if he knew about that, he would not have called her to check on Shea last night! “That’s not it,” Elliot said as all the warmth vanished from his voice. “Zoe, you could have used the money I gave you to buy anything you wanted, but you invested in WADm'[qKMa Tate instead.”

very’s resentment toward him was not purely because he had given up on their relationship in the past for the sake of keeping his secret.

It was also because Zoe and Wanda were between them.

Elliot pondered a lot while he was in Shea’s room last night. The more he thought about it, the more he understood Avery’s suffering.lt was true that everyone had their own hardships to endure. He could not undo his past mistakes, but he wanted to do his best to not repeat his wrongs in the future. after hearing Elliot’s explanation, Zoe sobbed silently.

